Look at that thing.
Pug nosed.
The truck is pretty ugly too.
A lot of commentary has been lavished on the Tundra. For the most part, the hype about the vehicle has been justified- it is most definitely an important vehicle for Toyota and the truck segment of the market. Unfortunately for Toyota, although the hype about the impact of the Tundra has been justified, the Tundra itself is an abject disappointment.
We've been told ad nauseum that this thing was conceived, designed and engineered by Americans for Americans. And that's fine and dandy. Unfortunately, Toyota must have hired all of the reject American F-150, Ram, Sierra and Silverado designers and engineers when it hired for the Tundra.
Looks are subjective. My opinion is truth- the Tundra is ugly in pictures and ugly in person. Things don't get any better once you open the door. Shut it, and the entire door panel inside the truck shudders and actually moves around quite a bit. Reminds me of my dad's old 1985 LeSabre, which is probably what Toyota was going for. At 6 feet tall, I can only reach the easternmost portions of the center console by lifting my ample ass off the seat. The fake silver applique is slathered all over the inside of this thing.
In short, everything apart from the marvelous engine/tranny combo is woefully inadequate and shitty. I'd take a Titan over the Tundra any day of the week. I'd take everything short of a Dodge Ram over the Tundra. In an effort to appease the nonsense jibber jabber of American jingoistic retards who always said the Tundra was too small for a 1/2 ton, Toyota has made a 1/2 ton that's big enough, but nowhere near good enough.
Your analysis is interesting, but I think beauty is ONLY in the eyes of the beholder.
I agree that the interior is kind of cheap, but the rest of the Toyota Tundra is as good as or better than anything on the market.
Well,my son and only child age 29 died in his 2007 Toyota Tundra he purchased in June 2007.
It appears that the right rear tire failed, leaving the bead as it rapidly deflated. As a result he left the road onto a grass field striking a tree dead centre of the vehicle front end.
The V-8 engine came back so far the firewall caved in removing the survivable space within the cab.
The "A" pillar contacted my sons left head causing greivious head injuries that he succumed to.
I have pitures that can be posted supplied by the insurance carrier and viewed by anyone that is considering purchasing this make of vehicle over another. Further the NHTSA has opened an investigation into this mishap.
By the was my son was wearing his seat belt,was not impaired and according to the Washingtom State Patrol was not impaired.
I can be reached at
eves2375@hotmail.com as this really food for thought.
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